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Only 12 of the 32 burials in the cemetery contained grave offerings. Of these, Burial 2, that of a 25-35 year old male, had by far the most. The artifacts interred with this man include a shell bead bracelet, 5 bone flutes, 6 bone gaming pieces, 2 antler flakers, 3 antler projectile points, a bone fishing hook, an end-notched stone, an incised bone awl, several undecorated bone awls, and a cluster of 40 drumfish teeth with 3 small quartz pebbles that may have once been part of a gourd rattle. The grave is unique among all known burials on the upper Texas coast in its quantity and variety of grave goods. The man likely enjoyed considerable status within his social group; perhaps he was an important leader. From Aten et al. 1976, Fig. 18.

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