A great variety of coarse utility vessels were used both by the French and Spanish occupants for storage of food and water and for cooking and serving . Similarities in paste, glaze, and manufacturing techniques often made these ceramics difficult for analysts to sort and classify. The examples above are among roughly 18,000 coarse earthenwares sherds attributed to the Spanish occupation. Although many ceramic vessels, including ollas, olive jars, were brought from Mexico to supply the Spanish presidio, analysts have found through Neutron Activation Sourcing that a great many may have been made in Texas. This analysis is still underway. The painted, burnished sherds at left are a type known to archeologists as Tonalá, or Guadalajara polychrome. The large sherd with handle is from a Mexican redware vessel. The rim portion at top right and sherds below may have been parts of green-glazed olive jars. The two sherds at top right are portions of an olla, or water jar. Photos courtesy of THC.
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