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Credits & Sources

The Gault exhibit was written by Steve Black in 2001. The Clovis Reconsidered section is based on interviews with Dr. Michael B. Collins. Clark Wernecke, Jon Lohse, and Marilyn Shoberg provided photographs and information. Almost two decades of additional research and publication has taken place at and on the Gault site since 2001.

In 2006 the Gault School of Archaeological Research was founded, a nonprofit organization dedicated to "innovative, interdisciplinary research archaeology focusing on the earliest poples in the western hemisper and their cultural antecedents." To learn more, visit the Gault School website.

The Gault school website includes a select bibliography of research on Gault from 1999-present, volunteer information, and much more.

Print Source

Black, Mary S.
2019   Secrets in the Dirt: Uncovering the Ancient People of Gault. Texas A&M Press, College Station
[Illustrated popular account of the Gault research.]